Retailers Ordered to Stop Selling Diablo 3 After CBCP was Granted TRO by SC

...Popular PC role-playing game (RPG) Diablo III, which was released worldwide last Tuesday was ordered to be pulled off shelves and prohibited retailers from selling them after the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) was granted a temporary restraining order (TRO) by the Supreme Court (SC) after the church group found the game to be “too “evil” and “anti-Christian”...

...Citizens who has already bought and played the respondent are ordered to cease and desist such unholy activity immediately to be able to be saved by the petitioner and their God...

...CBCP “Gaming Priest” Jobert Jeyes advised players from the Philippines to refrain from playing the game he deemed as the work of the devil. “The title alone says it all,” said Fr. Jeyes. “And with playable characters such as the witch doctor and the wizard, the game is certainly not God friendly.”

He also suggested players to bring their copies of the game to the nearest church in their vicinity for it to be burned by a CBCP representative. Players who bring their game for burning also has the option to repent and confess their sin for playing such game, “before it’s too late,” added the gaming priest...

Если на человеческом языке, то смысл таков. Некая Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines через верховный суд добилась запрета на продажу Диабло 3 как "слишком злой" и "антихристианской" игры. Играть в игры вообще грешно, а тут мало того что богопротивное название, так еще и волшебники всякие со знахарями, занятия которых Господь не одобряэ. Всем же, кто уже купил и играл, рекомендуется "пока еще не стало слишком поздно"(вероятно, имеется в виду, что пока еще можно спасти свою душу) бросить сиё нечестивое занятие и отнести копию игры в ближаюшую церковь, где она незамедлительно будет предана огню во славу Божию. Принесшие игру для сего богоугодного дела там же могут покаяться в грехе игры в Диабло 3 и получить прощение. Аминь.

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